Owners PBM

August 2023

Bay Breeze

Charles Cates
Landscape Contractors Insurance Services, Inc.

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Partner Spotlight

Horizon Distributors

The Month’s Partner Spotlight is Horizon Distributors

How to Help Your Clients Understand Smart Irrigation
While phrases like “distribution uniformity” and “precipitation rates” are common to us, it can be difficult to translate to a homeowner. Here are some suggestions for talking “smart” to your clients.
Use Visuals They Can Understand
“Changing out 10 sprays to PRS heads can save up to 30,000 gallons of water a year.” Sounds like a lot. Or is it? That number is pretty intangible. So use it in a context your client will understand. Instead, try “that’s like filling up your pool twice a year!” That’s something they can relate to.
Don’t just talk about the savings, show them.
There are a number of smart water calculators available from manufacturers and distributors that allow you to enter real-world data like cost of water per gallon, number of heads, etc. The tools are easy to use and can be entered and calculated in about 2 minutes. Start here: Selling Smart Irrigation


Contact Horizon today:

Diamond Partners

Platinum Partners

Gold Partners

Emerald Partners

Sapphire Partners

Achievement Award A La Carte

Pacific Nurseries
Zanker Landscape

CLCA Member Benefit

2023 Board of Directors

President – Juan Carlos
Vice President – Andrew Tuckman
Treasurer – Beth Valdez
Secretary – Open Position
Associate Liaison – Marin Villalpando

Aux President – Lesley Peters
Aux Vice President – Girvin Peters
Aux Treasurer – Rick Camin
Aux Secretary – Vicky Parrott
Membership – Andrew Tuckman