In This Issue

Auxiliary Report
Welcome to August. Hope everyone survived the sudden heat wave in July. Time for pool parties and excursions to the beach.
The Chapter Picnic is right around the corner. Come join your CLCA friends and family on September 10 at Cuesta Park in Mountain View. All are welcome. The picnic starts at 11 a.m., with barbecue lunch at 12:30 p.m. Thank you to the picnic committee (Rick Camin, Alice Domine, Vicky Parrott, Michelle Ott, Cindy Singletary, Girvin and Lesley Peters and Charlene and Leo Ott) for putting this event together. Games for all ages will be available throughout the day. Start practicing your horseshoe skills. Ed and Jonathon Ott are the team to beat. With last year’s cancellation due to rain, the Ott’s are still the defending champions. I have a feeling a Domine team is anxious to reclaim the trophy.
Dust off your recipe’s! We are bringing back the cookie/dessert competition, as well as the chili cook-off. We have some awesome cooks in this group, young and old, and it is refreshing to see old family recipes being passed down to the next generation. A reservation form is available in this issue of the Bay Breeze and a Constant Contact invitation will be available for reservations also.
A day filled with great food, great fun and great friends. How could you go wrong with this combination? I look forward to meeting new people and welcoming friends to the picnic on September 10.
Enjoy the rest of the summer…before the kids have to go back to school. Hope to see you at a CLCA event soon.
Partner Spotlight
How to Help Your Clients Understand Smart Irrigation
While phrases like “distribution uniformity” and “precipitation rates” are common to us, it can be difficult to translate to a homeowner. Here are some suggestions for talking “smart” to your clients.
Use Visuals They Can Understand
“Changing out 10 sprays to PRS heads can save up to 30,000 gallons of water a year.” Sounds like a lot. Or is it? That number is pretty intangible. So use it in a context your client will understand. Instead, try “that’s like filling up your pool twice a year!” That’s something they can relate to.
Don’t just talk about the savings, show them.
There are a number of smart water calculators available from manufacturers and distributors that allow you to enter real-world data like cost of water per gallon, number of heads, etc. The tools are easy to use and can be entered and calculated in about 2 minutes. Start here: Selling Smart Irrigation
Contact Horizon today:

2023 Board of Directors
President – Juan Carlos
Vice President – Andrew Tuckman
Treasurer – Beth Valdez
Secretary – Open Position
Associate Liaison – Marin Villalpando
Aux President – Lesley Peters
Aux Vice President – Girvin Peters
Aux Treasurer – Rick Camin
Aux Secretary – Vicky Parrott
Membership – Andrew Tuckman