July 2024

Bay Breeze

Charles Cates
David DeHerrera

Richard and Cynthia Singletary LEAF Fund Established

Richard and Cynthia Singletary

On March 12, 2024 Richard Singletary, past Chapter president and friend to many, passed away. Richard was a quiet and sweet man. He never had a bad thing to say about anybody. While not an avid athlete himself, he enjoyed spending time with others doing so, whether it be golfing, fishing or bike riding. Richard liked people, had many great friendships and loved his family. Like many of us in CLCA, he really had two families. He had Cindy and Sarah, whom he loved more than anything, and he also had CLCA.

Richard became a member of CLCA in 1988 at the suggestion of a fellow contractor or maybe it was a vendor, I’m not sure which. He volunteered for the CLT Program, Chapter projects, Garden Tours, Picnic and, after years of declining, finally accepted nominations for leadership roles and served as Chapter secretary, treasurer and ultimately rose to Chapter president in the 1994.

Richard loved landscaping. He was a perfectionist and the quality of his work rose above those of his fellow contractors. His work was admired by everyone and he received many awards for his jobs. Richard typically did not have large crews to help him do his work, which was by his choice. He always felt, and rightfully so, that he could do it better himself. Richard loved helping people and being a part of the greater good. He loved the family atmosphere that embodies CLCA. He also loved how CLCA plays an active part in making the landscape industry better perceived in the eyes of our customers.

Cynthia Singletary has been, and continues to be, an active member of the Auxiliary since 1990. She’s been involved with the Holiday Party, Achievement Awards and Picnic Committees. Cindy served as Chapter Auxiliary secretary in 2003, shared the presidency in 2011-2015 and earned Auxiliary Life Membership in 2010 commemorating twenty continuous years of membership. On the state level, she has served on the Auxiliary’s Scholarship Selection Committee since 2012. Her insight and perspective as a collegiate instructor have been invaluable.

Richard supported Cindy’s involvement in the LEAF scholarship program and would feel so honored to have a LEAF Scholarship in their names. In his soft-spoken way, he would tell you it is always about giving back and what you leave behind. Richard always gave back and he leaves behind a beautiful legacy.

Written by
Jeff Sheehan and Mary Cohen

Upcoming Events

SFBA Chapter Life Member Leo Ott

It is with much sadness we share the passing of long-time member, Leo Ott, on June 26th. Please keep the Ott Family in your thoughts during this time. More details will follow.

SFBA Chapter Legacy Celebration Report

Celebrate good times…Come On! Woo Hoo!

And celebrate we certainly did! Forty members and guests came together to celebrate the rich history and legacy of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter. Those in attendance included: Brand new members, Maria Armas and Moises Bustamante, of Groland Landscape; Returning members, Craig and Vivian Rapp and Jim Link; One of our new LEAF Fund honorees, Cindy Singletary. The Cohens, Hertzers, Lehmanns and Villalpandos made it a “Family Affair” and brought their families, as many of them grew up attending Chapter and State events.

Information about the history of LEAF and how you can participate in its mission to help students planning to enter the Green Industry and brochures listing the LEAF named funds that the SFBA Chapter established and/or supports, including photos, were shared include 13 memorial, 3 honorarium, 1 family and 1 Chapter fund. There were past president’s books, showing events and accomplishments during their respective terms of office. There were photos from yesterday, including some from the 1950’s, the very beginning of CLCA. There was also an ongoing digital showcase of photos taken over the decades. It was fantastic seeing so many exciting joyful moments, yet bittersweet seeing the faces of so many we’ve lost along the way.

The first highlight of the evening was the announcement of the two newest LEAF named funds sponsored by the SFBA Chapter, The Richard and Cynthia Singletary Fund and the James and Pamela Everett Memorial Fund. Elsewhere in this issue you will find write-ups on both couples, courtesy of Jeff Sheehan and yours truly. Thank you, Jeff!

The second highlight was the reading of donation commitments that had been received via mail and email from members who could not attend but wanted to still be part of the Celebration, followed by donations given from those in attendance. An auction of four beautiful baskets, donated by Greenwaste, Cindy Singletary, Jill and Mike Hertzer and the SFBA Auxiliary (Thank you, Scooter Wren, for making it!), was exciting and fruitful, thanks to Mike Hertzer, our auctioneer extraordinaire. Congratulations to the prevailing bidders: Maria Armas-Groland, Gary Cooper-Frank and Grossman, Laura Villalpando-Greenwaste and Girvin Peters-Girvin Peters Landscape. Thanks to the generosity of everyone, whether in person or in spirit, $10,850 was raised! On behalf of the students who will benefit from your generosity, Thank You…Thank You…Thank You!

I owe a debt of gratitude and a much-deserved round of applause to Beth Valdez, Jackie Marsey, Dominic Bryan, Scooter Wren, Lesley Peters and Charlene Ott. Their willingness to jump right in and get things done made the Celebration festive and extra special. Thank you!

Thank you to Kelly and Michael’s at Shoreline for providing a beautiful setting and the delicious buffet dinner that was enjoyed by all. The “piece de resistance”? The ice cream sundae bar and assorted flavors of Nothing Bundtini cakes. After all, you can’t have a proper Celebration without cake and ice cream!

For those who were not able to attend, but would still like to support the fundraising efforts for LEAF, you still have time to participate. Whether small or sizable, ALL donations are welcomed and appreciated. Every dollar earned will help support a student. Since only the earnings are awarded in scholarships, your donation will guarantee this support in perpetuity. Reach out to me via email or cell or send your check, payable to LEAF, c/o CLCA Headquarters, 1691 River Park Dr, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95815.

Still celebrating!
Mary Cohen


James and Pamela Everett LEAF Fund Established

James and Pamela Everett

Jim loved landscaping and pursued his craft better than most, always striving to create the best. He had a unique way of approaching his projects, often spending many hours of every workday on site with his crews, making sure every detail met with his approval and, if it didn’t, he would have them re-do it until it did. (Having worked with Jim on a few projects over the years, I know this first-hand).

James and Pamela Everett brought high energy, jubilance and undeniable professionalism to CLCA when they joined in 1985. Jim was many things to many people but to me, he was a competitor, a writer (bet he wished he wrote this instead of me) and friend. Jim competed in everything he did, but always with a sense of reality about him. While he loved golf, he knew he would never be a Tiger Woods, but like Tiger, he would do everything he could to beat you on the golf course that day. Jim loved the CLCA Trophy Awards competitions and he won his fair share over the years, including the State Sweepstakes award. Whether he came out on top or not, he was the first to genuinely congratulate his fellow competitors. No matter the competition, he was the same person, not too high or too low, but just right.

Jim loved CLCA. He rose through the ranks, committee chairs, Chapter President in 1991 and ultimately State President in 1994. He was awarded State Regular Member of the Year in 1994 and Life Membership, for twenty-five consecutive years of membership, in 2011. He loved the family atmosphere that embodies CLCA and he also loved how CLCA takes an active role in elevating the landscape industry to a profession worthy of respect.

Pamela was equally active in the Auxiliary, both the Chapter and State levels. Joining the Auxiliary in 1985, she served as Chapter President in 1991 and State Auxiliary Secretary in 2005. To commemorate the completion of twenty consecutive years of membership, Pam earned Life Membership in 2005.

Pam built a very successful career as a Realtor in the San Francisco Bay Area and represented many Chapter members over the years. She continued her business in the Sacramento area when they retired and moved to Lincoln until her death in 2019. Jim subsequently passed in 2023.

Jim and Pam would feel so honored to have a LEAF Scholarship in their names. If they were here, they would tell you so in a way that would make you feel good. They will continue to be part of CLCA and the Green Industry by financially supporting students entering the landscape industry who will receive scholarships in their names. They will always be remembered and never forgotten for their time, energy, friendship and leadership in CLCA.

Written by
Jeff Sheehan and Mary Cohen

Green Waste

Partner Spotlight

The Month’s Partner Spotlight is Hunter Irrigation Sprinkler Systems | Hunter Industries

Hunter® | FXLuminaire

Landscape irrigation professionals can now learn to streamline their projects with the new Wireless Valve Link Certificate Program from Hunter University, the free online training platform from Hunter Industries. Designed to give contractors the knowledge they need to incorporate Hunter’s Wireless Valve Link into their projects, this innovative training program teaches proven installation methods and best practices for jobsite success. 

Diamond Partners

Platinum Partners

Gold Partners

Emerald Partners

Sapphire Partners

Achievement Award A La Carte

Pacific Nurseries

CLCA Member Benefit

2024 Board of Directors

Immediate Past President – Juan Carlos Esparza
President – Barry & Mary Cohen
Vice President – Beth Valdez
Treasurer – Scooter Wren
Secretary – Jackie Marsey
Associate Liaison – Marin Villalpando

Auxiliary President – Lesley Peters
Auxiliary Vice President – Girvin Peters
Auxiliary Treasurer – Rick Camin
Auxiliary Secretary – Vicky Parrott